Not long after returning to painting I was lucky to have my exibition request at the “Atelier Bletterie” (collective painting workshop and exhibition room in La Rochelle) accepted. I then presented, for the first time, a series of works made on different supports such as hardboard, paper and canvas...
Nature, the plant world, as well as the animal kingdom, are part of my universe. The "zanimos" series and the illustrative bestiary have distinct origins, with varied techniques and format differences. The "zanimos" incorporate watercolor, inks, and mixed techniques into larger drawings, while the bestiary is limited to ink with smaller formats. The narratives also differ, with the "zanimos" often connected to their environment, while the bestiary plays more with words.
Here you will find the rest, at least part of it, samples of series I realised and which will surely come back because I love them and I don't see why I would forget them. So all the “Tout'ime” : small treasures, unusual textures, travel books, studies of birds, a few watercolours...
Some of them will be in the blog as time go on...